真的真的有时很想BIAN KEONG(日语的发奋图强).....唉......到最后还是被Games所诱惑。尤其是Need For Speed Undercover.....奔驰的感觉太爽了!!尤其开跑车。。。但一切都是虚构的,现实生活没有Take 2!!!
话说回来,有一天与ZZ谈天到一半,有一个粉肠走了过来说:“中神通,我月考要挑战你。” = =''''''我哪里可能会凯旋?他可是班上第三叻....................算了,输就输,我甘拜下风..............不过多亏了他,我才开始PIA。
生日快到了,快要去拿L license了。。。但,最最最SUAY的是,就算拿了L牌,也不能去学车,因为,年中考到了........ = ='''''真是SUAY到~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 极点啊..........

Monday, April 13, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Shopping with family for baby things.....
Wow, my nephew will be born around May....
This baby is my mother 1st grandchild.... We whole family very exciting about the born of this baby.........
haha coz i finally can play with a child ald coz i the youngest in my familly.....
By the way, i go shopping with them for baby things recently...
We went for Jusco, Klang Perade, and many more and more....etc......
When i saw those baby things, i was very shocked coz those things was very different from those i saw 10 years ago when my mom still help ppl take care of their's babby...
Wah... nowadays the trolley for baby so advance.... somemore can close whole baby trolley to prevent sunlight and rain to go through....
Lol, i also saw one brand of baby things that manufactured by Philips!!!! Strange right? Philips suppose to manufacture electronic things one... wow. Its very expansive leh..... But, the qualities of it is very good!! Two thumbs up...
On that moment i start thinking why i last time dun have chance to use those things but use those which are normally seen on the market....
Nowadays child so fortune, got so many advance things to use... Event the dipers are better than my time lol each pack almost over RM50...
On that moment also i realised something...
That is when ages passed, things will become more advance..
On that moment, i starts to appreciate those things that i have last time but nowadays dun have....
Besides, each time for a generations got their's special things....
Like my parents that time, they can run all over the places near their's house without been scold by their's parents...
On that age, they got freedom to play...
With that i realised one concept.
We must not compare ours things last time with now!
I told my friends this concept...
They said me OLD!!!!
Am I really that old???
Who knows??
I juz realised something that must be in my life..
This baby is my mother 1st grandchild.... We whole family very exciting about the born of this baby.........
haha coz i finally can play with a child ald coz i the youngest in my familly.....
By the way, i go shopping with them for baby things recently...
We went for Jusco, Klang Perade, and many more and more....etc......
When i saw those baby things, i was very shocked coz those things was very different from those i saw 10 years ago when my mom still help ppl take care of their's babby...
Wah... nowadays the trolley for baby so advance.... somemore can close whole baby trolley to prevent sunlight and rain to go through....
Lol, i also saw one brand of baby things that manufactured by Philips!!!! Strange right? Philips suppose to manufacture electronic things one... wow. Its very expansive leh..... But, the qualities of it is very good!! Two thumbs up...
On that moment i start thinking why i last time dun have chance to use those things but use those which are normally seen on the market....
Nowadays child so fortune, got so many advance things to use... Event the dipers are better than my time lol each pack almost over RM50...
On that moment also i realised something...
That is when ages passed, things will become more advance..
On that moment, i starts to appreciate those things that i have last time but nowadays dun have....
Besides, each time for a generations got their's special things....
Like my parents that time, they can run all over the places near their's house without been scold by their's parents...
On that age, they got freedom to play...
With that i realised one concept.
We must not compare ours things last time with now!
I told my friends this concept...
They said me OLD!!!!
Am I really that old???
Who knows??
I juz realised something that must be in my life..
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